The first Bob Blog!
Well, this my first blog and is probably a bit of a dogs dinner. I have been giving some thought as to what this "thing" called Maltby Running Club is. Well, I think that the best description is that its a family. (I'll leave it for you dear reader to decide, which one of us is wicked uncle Lazarus, flirty Aunt Annie, or the prodigal son).
The family began in 1983, and has seen among other things, the miners strike come and go, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the Twin Towers. Now you may be thinking what has any of these got to do with MRC. Well perhaps more thatn would first appear:-
- Brian will tell you that he was never as fit as when he was on strike in 1984 -not sure whether the running helped him stay one step ahead opf the police, or vice versa.
- We have just done a race in Prague, which would have been inconceivable in the first few years of the clubs existance -the fall of the eastern block has made this possible, and
- Members of the club entered the New York Marathon in 2000, and have clear memories of standing atop the World Trade Centre just 10 short months before the planes came.
Like all families, we have gone through hard times and have lost treasured members (Les, Luke, Malc- gone but never forgotten), but like all families we have pulled together when times have got tough and come through the other side stronger than before. And, like all families we have distant relatives -ex members live in Australia, and there's also the Shropshire link -See Steve's Blog.
So if you are new to the site, or just revisiting for the first time since the site has been revitalised, it's welcome to the family.
Yours in Sport
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