Tuesday, 31 January 2012

It's now official -I'm a fruitcake

OK so it's a spongecake, but that would have killed the headline. This uncanny image was revealed on the cake at my 60th birthday party on Saturday. Not sure whether everybody has stopped laughing yet, but trust Big Tony to spot a mistake. The model is supposed to be yours truly after a marathon. But as the big fellow pointed out I would be blue and not pink at this point in time. Don't you just love him? Answers on a postcard please.

The Bash seemed to go OK and it was, for me a blast from the past. Apart from a good number of MRC members there was my siblings, old friends and (former) work colleagues. Indeed, 3 of the band were Council colleagues and the DJ and his brother John go back over 40 years. When Roger (DJ) was 17 and I was 19, we used to perform a ventriloquist act on the last bus back from Whiston to Rotherham. No you are wrong! Roger was the dummy!

The "do" could not have happened without Sheila who worked miracles. Special mention to Gail, Maureen, Lesley, Donna, Clair and Charlotte who worked wonders. Big thank you to the band and Roger. Indeed a big thanks you to everyone who turned up. I am very lucky to have good friends who can put up with my sense of humour. I was bowled over by the number of presents and the Running Club once again amazed me with their kindness.

As this is the first blog of 2012 may I wish everyone a very happy new(ish) year. There's a lot coming this year, what with Berlin, the visist of our good friends ACPI St Quentin, London marathon, and perhaps another trip? The AGM seemed to go extremely well and once again the club looks in good nick. Some of us older members are a bit crocked but what the heck?

Anyroadup, that's it for now


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About Me

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likes a laugh, can be mad, but not generally sad. loves ; Sheila, Robby, William, Jake and Clair Maltby Running Club Rotherham United